Anthony quinn bay took its name from the actor. Anthony Quinn fell in love with Rhodes when he came here to film «The Guns Of Navarone» in 1961. He loved it so much, that he bought a piece of property on an isolated little bay. It is easy to see why he fell in love with the place.
It is surrounded by lush vegetation and the water here is clear and a beautiful emerald color. The best time to visit is July and August, as any other time of the year the water is quite cold. It is probably not suitable for families with very young children, as there are some sharp rocks both in the water and on the beach.
The beach is mostly pebbles, but you can rent lounge chairs for a few Euros. This place is getting more popular every year, especially with the Italians. There is a small cafe at the top of the stairs leading down to the beach. Quinn bought the beach hoping to turn it in to a center for artists and film-makers, but in the 80’s the Greek government annulled the sale. There is talk however that his estate is trying to get it back, so enjoy it while you can!