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Rhodes Island Honey, wins the gold metal in the international competition of Bolognia!

A significant distinction was made by the Rhodian Organic Honey, which was awarded the gold medal at a world contest in Italy! This is the pomegranate and herb organic honey - Melissae by Giorgos Perrakis and his wife Edina Bobrovniczka, who started three years ago with few honeybees because their home was next to a large pine forest with a lot of flora to get their honey home for their family. But that was only the beginning, since then, they have managed to make the first organic honey of Rhodes, which is not only certified but has also received several distinctions.

Melissae has won two silver medals so far in 2015 and in 2016 at the Biomiel honey world competition in Bologna, Italy, and this year also won the golden award for 2018! At the same time, the same honey also won his first "star" at a large tasting contest held in London! As Giorgos Perrakis and Edina Bobrovniczka stated, thousands of "gourmet" products from all over Europe are participating in this competition, and few of them receive the tasting award from a team of experts.

A certified organic honey is subject to additional regulations and controls (because a "free" beekeepresser is not controlled by any state body or legal entity). So there are some regulations and some obligations that have to do with the following: we do not feed bees with syrup or foreign sweeteners, we do not use chemical drugs for different treatments but only essential oils and organic acids.

There are of course, additional regulations, such as the stable apiary so that the area around it can be controlled in that there are no other than organic crops. Also honey is regularly checked by the competent certification body with honey samples, honeycombs, etc. and of course after extracting honey we can not distort it with any other honey or honey that we may have and which is not biological.

Melissae has been exported in EU and the family produces it, is not in process of gaining an FDA license so that they can start distributing it in USA as well.

Honey consists a true ambassador of the Greek rich, healthy and amazingly tasteful diet.

Wish them all the best and lots of future successes!




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